Thursday, November 26, 2009

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Wouldn't human males be programmed by the creator to be attracted to hairy females, or simply design hairless females if he were such an intelligent designer?

It seems hairy human females are proof positive we are apes trying to hide our past.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

True. After all, we have the same amount of hair as an ape - ours is just thinner.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

rebel so you may commence with your meal

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?


If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Madison Avenue trumps human design every time....

"Beauty products" is a multi-billion dollar industry.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

That's just a cultural thing...

I'm sure you can come up with a better argument against ID.. really!

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

In order to support the razor blade and depilatory industries.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Not a very good argument for evolution. We shave because women were told that it would be more sanitary to shave (many moons ago). We do it now because we have become accustomed to the look and feel of it. Good try though.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

As if the fashion and primping of women has anything to do with attracting a male. Ha!

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Hairy or hairless, I like them all.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

I guess it is part of the 'original sin' package.


Painful childbirth

and hairy pits.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

I believe the shaving began when Europeans found that Native American women had very little body hair and wanted their women to follow suit.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Not all women do that ya know.

And not all women need to shave. I knew a woman from Saudi Arabia who'd never shaved, she had the tiny light hairs on her legs of a child. According to her, that was normal for her race.

Besides, the design was to have women protected from cold, heat and chafing lol.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Not all women around the world remove hair it seems to be a country by country thing. What one person sees as beautiful another sees as ugly. Some men are incredibly attracted to more Hirsute women so your arguement is quite flawed.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

What the creator found beautiful and perfect design, the intelligent modern man thinks, it is of no good and shaves of the body hair.

I wonder he would also 'cut and paste' other body parts here and there in similar way, to make body more beautiful !

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Yes I often wonder why some Russian athletes shave their moustaches off before an event . Some pretty good female "ape - like tennis players also.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

You aint seen my wifes armpits have you?

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Hairy females, hells yeah.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Everything God designed and created Has a specific and perfect purpose. Our culture became 'mesmorised' by the 'barbie doll' look and has been trying to duplicate her 'features' ever since.

If human design is so intelligent why do women shave off their body hair?

Why do you think the fundie women wear those long skirts?

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