Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why did God create humans with body hair?

(Assuming God created us so if you're here all ready with you're "God isn't real" answers move along)

Okay so you don't believe we evolved, you believe God created us. If that holds true to you, then why the body hair. I mean I'm hairier than your average person and I freeze my buns off every winter so it can't be for warmth. I can understand the benefits of eyebrows/lashes and head hair, but why say leg hair? There must be some point to it right......I mean even in caveman days human body hair couldn't have kept them warm.

Why did God create humans with body hair?

I'm bald. I'd like to evolve back please.

Why did God create humans with body hair?

He is working with the shampoo company for profits.

Why did God create humans with body hair?

The creation of body hair was necessary so we could appreciate hot blonde, brunette and redheaded females.

Why did God create humans with body hair?

And what about our wisdom teeth? We don't need them, so why do we have them?

Why did God create humans with body hair?

duh, so we could look manlier!

Why did God create humans with body hair?

to protect our sensitive skin parts?

Why did God create humans with body hair?

It is because we evolved from monkeys who are very hairy and when we moved and lost the need for hair it thinned out. We do also use it a little bit for warmth/protection (well that is why we still have some that its)

Why did God create humans with body hair?

Then there are some people who hardly have any hair at all!! lol. i don't know about you, but my hair keeps me warm ;)


Why did God create humans with body hair?

Hairs on our skin actually do help modulate skin temperature to a small degree so it is slightly beneficial.

Why did God create humans with body hair?

We just evolved that way.

Why did God create humans with body hair?

Humans and apes share a common ancestry but the face you look at in the mirror was genetically engineered in the image of the Annunaki as told in the many stories of the Sumerian text. The missing link is alien influence in man's history.

Follow the name Annunaki and see where it takes you.

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